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Did you ever receive a gift you did not want?

I look at all the signs that have been pointing to Christmas for months in the shops. I hear the advice given on the morning tv shows about how to reduce your stress this Christmas.

How to reduce conflict at Christmas time. "Don't talk politics or religion" still seems like good advice to them.

But my question is why? Why do you, we...celebrate Christmas?

Because when you remove, as much of the world has done, Christ Himself...the incarnation of God...then the giving of gifts, the promises of the new year and the fellowship and conflict with family is ultimately empty.

Empty. Devoid of meaning and ultimately full of suffering.

And that is nothing to be joyful about, at all. period.

But there is a true gift, an eternal gift and I wonder if you will receive it?

We are praying that you will.

Please join us in person tonight as we truly celebrate Christmas.

Weather permitting we will be outside to sing Christmas carols into our community.

Please come @6pm for a free sausage sizzle.

Carols start @7pm

17 Barr Smith Avenue, Bonython.

For our online audience there will be no livestream tonight, but we will record and post our Christmas message.

But please come in person if you can.

We are praying for you.

God bless and see you tonight.

Alex. Sanctuary Chapel.

Welcome to Sanctuary Chapel. We are a community that seeks to follow Jesus with everything that we have. You are welcome if you are already a Christian and you are welcome no matter where you are on your faith journey. We are praying for you already.


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